Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art

Tako Taal

A watercolour painting of a group of figures sitting around a table. At the bottom of the image in red paint is the text 'if you think about mothers with their sons,'
A watercolour painting with a blue circle containing a roundtable painted on the right hand side, and in the top left is brown circle with semi-circles surrounding it.

Tako Taal is an artist who works alongside spectral, cited and physical beings to undermine history and destabilise images.  She works often with video and occasionally, watercolour, installation and performance to consider how artefacts and anecdotes are tangents to trace shifts that merge and split boundaries between bodies, lands and states. She lives in Glasgow. 

Recent exhibitions include, Workplace Foundation, (Newcastle), Pace Gallery, London, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee, Scotland, Survey II, Touring UK; NADA House, New York, Talbot Rice Gallery, Scotland, Perth Museum and Art Gallery Perth, Scotland. In 2021 she co-programmed GIVE BIRTH TO ME TOMORROW a year long artist moving image festival, curated What happens to desire…  for the 17th Edinburgh Art Festival and was shortlisted for LUX Scotland’s Margaret Tait Award.
